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Gearbox risks associated with the Tune Pedal : Precautions and advice

All our products including the Tune Pedal and our Tuningbox units are designed in strict compliance with the standards set by vehicle manufacturers and the specifications specific to each vehicle. At Tuning Box, we attach the utmost importance to the safety and reliability of our engine optimization solutions.

It is essential to stress that our products are designed never to exceed the operating limits recommended by vehicle manufacturers. This guarantees not only optimum performance but also the preservation of your engine and its components under normal operating conditions. So you can rest assured that the installation of our products poses no risk of damage or abnormal wear to your vehicle.

This rigorous, safe approach is an integral part of our commitment to customer satisfaction and peace of mind. Tuning Box improves performance without compromising the reliability and durability of your vehicle.

150 150 Tuning Box - Boitier additionnel

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