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Tuningbox product warranty: Period and conditions

Tuningbox attaches great importance to the warranties offered for our products, especially for our engine solutions. Warranties vary according to the specific technologies used for each Tuningbox product. To give you full transparency, here’s a summary of the warranties we offer:

Tune Pedal Comfort Medium Dynamic
Product warranty 2 years 2 years 3 years 5 years
Engine warranty 1 year 2 years

These warranties apply even after the original manufacturer’s warranty has expired, ensuring extended protection for your vehicle. In the event of a problem, Tuning Box steps in to offer you quality service and reliable assistance, in line with our commitment to our customers.

For more details on the specific conditions of each warranty, please consult our warranty page or contact our competent customer service team, always ready to answer your questions and help you with any queries you may have.

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