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The difference between plug and play power units and engine reprogramming : comparison and advantages

Engine reprogramming, also known as “chiptuning”, is a method of modifying the computer parameters of a vehicle’s engine without the addition of external hardware. This operation generally requires a visit to an automotive specialist and can entail higher costs. In addition, it’s important to note that this procedure can potentially affect the manufacturer’s warranty, as some car brands are able to detect any modification of these parameters when connected to your on-board computer or ECU.

In contrast, installing a plug and play power unit is a secure and practical alternative. This optimized device connects to your vehicle’s engine via a simple cable and offers enhanced performance at a reasonable cost. You can easily install the box yourself without requiring advanced technical skills and it can be disconnected or reconnected at any time. For example, you can remove it before taking your vehicle to the garage or MOT without compromising your car’s safety systems nor invalidating your engine warranty.

Tuningbox offers reliable and safe systems, designed to optimize your vehicle’s performance while preserving its integrity and your peace of mind with regard to the manufacturer’s warranty. Our approach is to offer our customers a convenient, affordable and risk-free engine optimization experience for their vehicle.

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