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Tune Pedal’s impact on vehicle insurance and homologation : Tips and information

The Tune Pedal is designed to improve the responsiveness of your accelerator pedal without altering the power or overall performance of your vehicle. As a result, its installation has no impact on your engine’s technical characteristics, which means it affects neither your car insurance nor your vehicle’s homologation.

As an external accessory that acts on accelerator pedal response, the Tune Pedal does not interfere with the engine’s internal parameters or the power specifications set by the manufacturer. So you can enjoy the benefits of Tune Pedal’s responsiveness and dynamism with complete peace of mind, without worrying about any impact on your insurance or your vehicle’s compliance with regulatory standards.

When you choose Tune Pedal, you’re opting for an improved driving experience in complete safety, with no change to your vehicle’s essential technical features. Discover now how the Tune Pedal can enrich your everyday driving experience.


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