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Risks and precautions : Does the Tuningbox chip have an impact on engine durability and performance?

No. At Tuning Box, every product we offer is carefully designed to comply with the power limits set by car manufacturers. With almost 35 years cumulative experience in the field, our customers have driven millions of kilometers with confidence, without encountering major problems or excessive wear on engine components.

We pay much attention to the reliability and durability of our products. That’s why we offer an engine warranty that testifies to our confidence in their quality: 1 year with the Medium Tuningbox and 2 years with the Dynamic Tuningbox. This warranty underlines our commitment to providing safe, high-performance engine optimization solutions while ensuring our customers’ peace of mind.

Tuningbox is proud of its reputation as a supplier of high-quality engine optimization solutions and we’re convinced that our products are among the best on the market. Our commitment to excellence is reflected not only in our products but also in the customer service and technical support we offer our customers throughout their experience with Tuning Box.

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