: 132 ch / 97 kW, 205 Nm
Optimize the power 33 hp and torque of 53 Nm, of your Renault Grand Scenic III petrol MPV with Tuningbox units. Offering smoother acceleration and instant throttle response, our boxes are designed for more dynamic and enjoyable driving. Enjoy enhanced responsiveness, custom to the specific needs of minivans 1.2 TCe engine, for an improved driving experience. Installation is quick and easy, with no need for specialized tools or technical skills. Fully reversible, our systems allow you to return to the original settings at any time. With Tuningbox, discover driving comfort and optimum performance for every journey in your petrol MPV.
Optimisez le temps de réponse de votre pédale d’accélérateur, sans modifier la puissance de série. Le résultat est bluffant !
Fusionnez les performances Premium du boitier Dynamic et les sensations étonnantes du Tune Pedal.
Combinez la puissance du boitier Medium avec l'agrément de conduite du Tune Pedal.