: 476 ch / 350 kW, 0 Nm
Rediscover your driving experience with Tuningbox Tune Pedals for your Polestar Polestar 2 electric. Designed specifically for electric sedans, our Tune Pedals improve throttle responsiveness, ensuring smoother starts and more intuitive driving. Our advanced technology ensures better control response, making every drive more pleasant and efficient. Installation is quick and easy, with no need for specialized tools or advanced technical skills. Our Tune Pedals are fully reversible, allowing you to return to the original settings of your [motorization] in the blink of an eye. Enjoy a powerful ride, with improved driving dynamics thanks to Tune Pedals Tuningbox, the ideal solution for maximizing the performance of your Polestar Polestar 2 electric.
Optimisez le temps de réponse de votre pédale d’accélérateur, sans modifier la puissance de série. Le résultat est bluffant !