: 150 ch / 110 kW, 240 Nm
Discover Tuningbox systems for gasoline-powered city cars, which transform the performance of your Peugeot 207 and optimize fuel consumption. Improve your engine's responsiveness and reduce fuel consumption thanks to more efficient combustion. Easy to install, these boxes increase power by 38 hp and torque by 62 Nm for sharper acceleration and more dynamic driving. Tuningboxes are reversible and require no mechanical expertise. Manufactured from high-quality components and rigorously tested, they guarantee durability and reliability. Choose Tuningbox for a more pleasant and economical drive on your 1.6 Turbo.
Optimisez le temps de réponse de votre pédale d’accélérateur, sans modifier la puissance de série. Le résultat est bluffant !
Fusionnez les performances Premium du boitier Dynamic et les sensations étonnantes du Tune Pedal.
Combinez la puissance du boitier Medium avec l'agrément de conduite du Tune Pedal.