: 275 ch / 202 kW, 353 Nm
Enhance your driving experience with Tuningbox systems for your Hyundai i30. Designed specifically for gasoline sedans, our boxes increase power by 48 hp and torque by 74 Nm on your 2.0 N engine, delivering smoother acceleration and crisper throttle response. This optimization translates into superior driving comfort, making every journey more enjoyable and dynamic. Installation is quick and easy, requiring no special tools or technical skills. Moreover, our systems are fully reversible, so you can easily return to the original settings. Benefit from enhanced engine performance, while enjoying more responsive and comfortable drive. Tuningbox is the ideal solution for unlocking the potential of your Hyundai i30.
Optimisez le temps de réponse de votre pédale d’accélérateur, sans modifier la puissance de série. Le résultat est bluffant !
Fusionnez les performances Premium du boitier Dynamic et les sensations étonnantes du Tune Pedal.
Combinez la puissance du boitier Medium avec l'agrément de conduite du Tune Pedal.