: 115 ch / 85 kW, 300 Nm
Discover Tuningbox units, designed to optimize the performance of diesel SUVs. Our systems for Audi Q2 improve responsiveness at low revs and reduce fuel consumption. You'll experience smoother acceleration and immediate throttle response from your 30 TDI 2.0, making every drive more enjoyable and economical. You can gain up to 29 hp and 56 Nm Nm of torque. Easy to install with the plug-and-play system, they require no specialized tools and are reversible, allowing a return to the original settings. Manufactured with top-quality components and subjected to rigorous testing, our housings guarantee durability and reliability. Improve the responsiveness and efficiency of your diesel SUV with Tuningbox.
Optimisez le temps de réponse de votre pédale d’accélérateur, sans modifier la puissance de série. Le résultat est bluffant !
Fusionnez les performances Premium du boitier Dynamic et les sensations étonnantes du Tune Pedal.