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The Tune Pedal’s influence on your vehicle’s power : Effects and performance

The Tune Pedal is specifically designed to improve the responsiveness of your accelerator pedal, providing a more dynamic and enjoyable driving experience. It should be noted that this accessory acts exclusively on the response of your accelerator pedal and does not intervene in the internal workings of your engine.

Thanks to advanced technology, the Tune Pedal optimizes the response time between accelerator pedal pressure and engine response, without altering engine parameters or overall engine performance. This approach guarantees a significant improvement in your vehicle’s responsiveness, while preserving the integrity and reliability of your engine.

Choosing the Tune Pedal gives you a safe and effective solution to energize your driving without compromising the technical characteristics of your engine. Discover the benefits of Tune Pedal for an even more enjoyable driving experience.

150 150 Tuning Box - Boitier additionnel

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new tuning box generation

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